Twitch Paternership Program
We are seeking Potential Twitch Streamer to establish a long term partnership.
In order to join this program you must have
1. A valid Amazon Associates Account
2. Amazon Blacksmith Extensions installed to your Twitch Dashboard

In order to join this program you must have
1. A valid Amazon Associates Account
2. Amazon Blacksmith Extensions installed to your Twitch Dashboard

- Go to the Extensions tab in your dashboard, find Amazon Blacksmith, and follow the instructions. You can also install Amazon Blacksmith here.
- Follow the instructions to sign up to Amazon Associates and enter your title and description. If you already have an Associates account, you can use your existing account.
- Configure your Amazon Blacksmith list from Twitch by adding our Amazon products and share them with your audience!
(Our Amazon Products URL Link / ASIN Number will be prodvided) - Submit your list and you’re all set! You can start earning Amazon Aossiciate Comission as well as Shophappily Comission (US$5 per Sale of our Amazon Products)
- Login to Associates Central to check your revenue.
How does Shophappily Comission works?
1. Login to Associates Central to download your monthly Sales Report
2. email the Monthly Sales Report to along with your Twitch ID
3. We will calculate the total number of completed orders (without refund) x US$5
4. Payment will be sent by PayPal.